Mud Caves in Anza Borrego

Run Date: Aug 23-24, 2017 9:00PM
Trail Leader: Robert Rien
Meeting Location: Canyon Sin Nombre trail head off S-2 at mile marker 51.3 (32.831059° -116.169993°)
Caravan Meeting location: Carl's Jr, in South San Clemente, Cristianitos Rd. exist off I-5 Frwy at 5:30PM. We should be at the trail head by 6:00PM.

Difficulty: Easy.
Recommended Equipment: Spot lights and Rock lights. 33" tires, no other ground clearance needed.
Required Equipment: 4 wheel drive, 1st Aid Kit, flashlight, fire extinguisher, some sort of air (compressed air or compressor) (You will want to lower your tire pressure down, 18 PSI at a minimum), sleeping bag, tent, just enough to spend the night, you don't need to pack like a Boy Scout this time.

Communication: CB or Ham. CB on Channel 4. HAM channel 146.550 MHz (SIMP2)

This is a run through Anza Borrego starting at the Canyon Sin Nombre trail head off S-2 at mile marker 51.3. We'll meet at Carl's Jr in South San Clemente and Caravan on down from there or you can meet at the trail head. We'll see Mud Caves, bring your flashlights; the caves are a perfect 72 deg. We will spend a little time in the caves before moving on. From there we will move on to traverse the old swap area, if your top is off make sure you have some bra or cover, we will be driving through mesquite trees, they have thorns and will bite, but just a little if given the chance. Then we will head over to Diablo Drop-off and play around on some of the hills at Diablo Drop-off and then head over the edge. We will run down Fish Creek to the primitive camp site where we will make camp about 2 AM. At dawn we head for home. Bring snacks and drinks, No firewood will be needed, it's still warm out there.

Google Earth route: Mud Caves.kmz

Mud Caves route